Rambler's Top100

The Regional Party of Communists (Russia)




Mail to Webmaster rpk@len.ru



The Short Reference about History of Foundation and Activity of RPK


The Regional Party of Communists (RPK) initially was arisen as Leningrad organization of Russian Party of Communists founded on ideological base of principles of Marxist platform in CPSU. It was proceeded at December, 1991.

After the deviation of Russian Party of Communists' leadership from the initial organization and ideological principles, on which this party was founded itself, its Leningrad organization has formed at May, 1999, the independent Regional Party of Communists registered through two months in this quality by Saint-Petersburg department of Ministry of Justice of RF.

RPK acts in Saint-Petersburg, though there are its supporters in other regions of country. The priorities in the mass-political work of party consist in following: the organization the actions of social protest, the participation in workers' and trade unions' movements, the propaganda the socialist values and introduction them in consciousness of workings.

That is why RPK active participates since the spring, 2000, in the work of Committee of Unite Actions for the defense the social and labor rights of civilians of SPb and LO (Leningrad oblast), before entered in the Movement for the Worker Party and now is the collective member of the Association of Marxist organizations of Russia.

At the February, 2004, the activists of RPK took part in the foundation the movement of civil initiatives uniting various protest groups and organizations (not only Marxist or left) acting in our city whose aim is the struggle for the rights of civilians, against the arbitrariness of officials and the lawlessness been done by them.

The representatives of RPK take active part in international Movement of adversaries the capitalist globalization (since Genoa-2001), in the work of International Committee against the privatization the railways, for the defense the rights of railway workers of different countries of the world, and in various campaigns against police arbitrary and political repression.

RPK supports the comradely relations and contacts with left and workers organizations of the series of countries of the world (Austria, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithua, France, Japan and others) and with the Balkan Socialist Center "Chr. Rakovsky".

You can get the more detail information about our organization and its activity on this site or writing on address:

WWW: http://www.rpk.len.ru

E-mail: rpk@len.ru


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