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The Regional Party of Communists (Russia)




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The Historical Experience of Communist International: the Position of RPK
(The Statement of the Executive Committee of Regional Party of Communists)

85 years have been ago since the moment when 52 delegates represented communist parties and organizations from 21 countries of the world had declared on their Constituent Congress, which took place in Moscow Kremlin at March, 02 - 06, 1919, that the III (Communist) International has been found. Founded by initiative and by active participation of V.I. Lenin and his nearest bolshevik comrades-in-arms, Comintern in the first years of its history became the militant staff for the preparation the world proletarian revolution. The Lenin's report on bourgeois democracy and dictatorship of proletariat made on the First Congress of the Comintern became really more than only programme manifesto of the new International.

The role of the Comintern, of its leadership and its machinery in the formation and ideological and political growing of new communist parties in countries of Europe, Asia and Latin America, in anti-Fascist Resistance, in the schooling and in the education the cadre, stood subsequently the leaders of anti-capitalist reorganizations in countries of people democracy, is great and undisputed. Comintern and its national sections (parties) have brought huge contribution in the organization and in the conducting the revolutions in Finland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Estonia, China, Brazil and Spain. To regret, as it notes the Programme of RPK, "the socialist tendency in these revolutions either has tolerated a defeat, or, as in Russia, has gained a victory in the conditions fraught with danger of degeneration and capitalist restoration".

In the conditions of the recession of revolution process the petty-bourgeois degeneration touched the leading section of Communist International - All-Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) (VKP(b)) couldn't not strike and other national sections and machinery of Comintern, at whole depended from the leadership of VKP(b) and from the resources of USSR concentrated in its hands. The revision the tactic of united front, the bureaucratic centralism by the passing the decisions, the intervention in the internal life of comparties, the dogmatism in the theory, accompanied in practice with constant rushes from far sectarianism to unprincipled unions with bourgeois politicians been reckoned at that or other moment as the "friends of USSR", the policy of priority of interests of state security of USSR over the interests of world revolution, the shameful support the Soviet-German deal, fastened by the pacts from August and September, 1939, the groundless massive repression with respect to foreign communists from those who was situated in USSR - all this transformed Comintern into the addition of Soviet diplomacy and special services. This evolution has inevitable led Comintern lost the qualities of the staff of the world revolution to the self-liquidation happened at Juny, 10, 1943.

Giving the due to historic merits of Comintern, RPK, as its Programme notes, "aspires to cooperation with all movements, parties and trade unions contributing to the struggle of workers for their rights, for national and social liberation. We have been interested in mutual contacts and common actions coming out from the principle of international workers solidarity". We mark the 85th anniversary of Comintern's foundation in conditions of new study of imperialism - that is imperialism of transnational corporations mobilized the achievements of science and technical progress of the end of XX century for the strengthening its domination and for the intensification of the exploitation workers everywhere. Modern imperialism tries to use at most the favourable for itself situation of the collapse of USSR and of sharpest crisis of communist movement. Therefore for Marxists cannot be to-day the question: do we need a new International? It is awfully necessary. At the same time, for our opinion, the real ideological and organizational preconditions for the immediate proclamation of new Marxist Communist International at this moment absent, what, of course does not mean the refusal from the perspective of its foundation in the future in proportion of strengthening the organizations of left forces in different countries, in proportion of strengthening the contacts and connections between them with consequent adjustment the concrete organizational forms of their interaction. RPK appeals to participants of the Association of Marxist Organizations of Russia, to the Marxists whole of the world with the call to set to this work. The history of the Third International will be for the Marxists whole of the world the invaluable source of experience! At the same time we understand that next International must be adequate to the reality and to the problems of XXI century and cannot be in its ideological and organizational grounds the simple remake of Comintern and other Internationals of the past.

March, 30, 2004    


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